Saturday, March 10, 2012

Section 7

Distributed learning according to the text is “any educational or training experience that uses a variety of means, including technology, to enable learning.  Here are five different types of distributed learning.
  • Hybrid classes: With hybrid classes they not only get convenience but they also get the interaction with their peers.  You can not always have them both done in one class but to switch it up is great. 
  • Virtual classes:  These classes are fully online, whether they are interactive and have videos or if it is all print for the students to read.
  • Free distributed learning:  This is where the students can get an education for free online.  Sometimes districts may have to pay something but for the students it is free.
  • Skills-based training:  The students learn the skills that go along with the activity they are doing at that time.  This type of training is great for the work place, because it reduces turnover and constant supervision.
  • Knowledge based learning: Being able to use what you learned right then and there.  I think being taught something and then being to practice it right then helps out a lot.  I know it does for me.
In my science class there is a mixture between reusability and poor reusability.  The class had a syllabus that is reused but the projects and the activities are always changing and not the same/reusable.  I believe that reusability is not always a good thing because teachers get into a rut and it becomes mundane.  The changes make the class interesting and more engaging.
There are all types of different media instructions on the internet these days.  If you do not know how to do something then you can look it up on the internet and they have pictures with or without words to help you.

Wikipedia says that nanotechnology is the study of manipulating matter on an atomic and molecular scale.  Nanotechnology can be used to improve the school by making computers cheaper therefore being able to by more.  Students love technology these days and being able to bring it into the school makes the students more eager to learn.
I have always been a fan of the straight and narrow road.  I like knowing where I am going and tend to have blind sights on when I am trying to get somewhere.  I like using the correct and precise language, research experiments, etc.
This has been a great class and I enjoyed submitting assignments on a blog.  This was a first for me with school or just for social purposes.  I have learned a lot this semester.

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